Here is the storybird that I had make. The story called the animals and robot going to the city. The robot didn't know what is correct what is uncorrected:
This is the story about my storybird:
The humans think the robots are very kind to them. We give them many things this robots is great his name called Aek. Aek, said "this black coffee is smells nice. What can I do what can’t I do?” the robot called Aet said “How delicious is the cars yummy and I feels grateful. So the human use the road that is very high to the sky so the robot don't eat the human. Humans is crazy to make the robots and the car said," we can never been eat by the bad robot." The other car said, "Yeah." So the human teach the robots to do the right things. A boy name Chung said, "You can play with a water gun but not real gun."A robot name Pow said, "I don’t want the water gun can you give me the real gun." See it became like this kind.
A robot name Menu said, " sing is very good but I like rock song". Now the animals can go to the city and they can drive the car.
A fish name Fern, said "I don't wanted to go to the city because there will be no water at all but I can see there is a wonderful water car".
A giraffe name Ken said, "I am too tall I cannot see the down park there is a tall car". But the animal become crazy they break every thing. A bear name Ben said "I hungry I want to eat some things so I decided to eat some things I am hungry giving me the delicious food". So the human star to move there house to the forest and began with there.
Riam, "here can be a batter place to sell fun thing". See a man who called john is in the forest and he is finding an animal.
Justin, "I like this little animals but there is the large animals that I like ". Animal can drink things and they just like a human. Mad, "I like what the drink is yummy and let me felt sleep human's things". So the big animal wanted to back to there warm forest and their own home. Fal,"I wanted to go home". Some of them still wanted to live in the city so they want back and. Fern, "I wanted stay at great city". The small green robots become very kindness. Grat,"hello how are you today". See they can do things by there own they can play the soft music. Djay,"I love to play good music do you like". And fixed some shine CD that’s broken. Fixer, “I like brake some colorful CD and fixed it back do you".
Here is the video about me reading my story:
Here is my podcast I am telling my story:
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